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Sharon Wood – Funeral Celebrant

I am a professionally trained Funeral Celebrant based in North Norfolk. I have a NOCN Level 3 Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy and I am a member of the Institute of Civil Funerals (IoCF) and The Good Funeral Guild. I have achieved the highest possible qualification in Funeral Celebrancy having been rigorously assessed for my skill and suitability as a Funeral Celebrant.

My role is to offer bereaved families a funeral ceremony that reflects the wishes, beliefs and values of the deceased and their families. The ceremony will focus on commemorating the life of the deceased and will include a personal and respectful tribute.

I come from a professional background as a Registered General Nurse and I am a warm, compassionate person. You can have every confidence in trusting me to create a meaningful and truly personal funeral ceremony for your loved one.

The ceremony will capture the very essence of the person and tell the story of the life that has been lived. Whilst not a religious ceremony as such, religious content may be included, a prayer or a hymn perhaps. You will be able to check the ceremony content before the funeral and I will give you a full copy of the text of the ceremony for the family to keep.

Contact me directly, or give my details to your Funeral Director, and let me know how you would like the funeral and I will provide a memorable meaningful ceremony for your loved one. If you are booking me via a Funeral Director, please ask them to check my availability prior to making further arrangements.

There is a growing demand for these types of ceremonies and feedback from families is excellent, expressing heartfelt thanks for a ceremony providing the funeral they believe their loved one would have wanted.

I also offer Memorial, Scattering of Ashes and Celebration of Life ceremonies.

A Celebration of Life ceremony is for individuals who want to be present, and indeed be the centre of attention, at the last celebration of their lives. It is a time to honour and appreciate the living when they are near the end of their lives through age or illness. They want to enjoy their own funeral and the opportunity it gives them to see, perhaps for the last time, their friends, relatives, former colleagues, neighbours and all those whose lives have touched theirs.

I can also offer a Funeral Wishes service for those who are well organised and would like to plan their own funeral ceremony in advance.

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